Thursday, January 21, 2010


Why did Aiden have a wet rag on his ear all day when it was his nose that hurt from stuffing a piece of an orange up it?

Why do all things that are bad for you taste so good?

Why do I procrastinate?

Why are so many that are close to us so ill right now?

Why does Madeline enjoy school more than the boys?

Why does a glass of wine taste so good and is so relaxing, but makes me feel horrible the next day?

Why are people in California so rude?

Why can't I look like Jillian?

Why does my house look like a hurricane went through it after each meal?

Why can't Marc and I ever have or make time for a date?

Why are all my friends and family so far away?

Why does your hair fall out so bad while nursing?

Why did I ever ask Marc to cut my hair?

Why is the criminal justice system so flawed?

Why won't my kids sleep?

Why are other people's blogs and facebook so addicting?

Why won't Aiden go potty in the potty?

How is it that I been blessed with the cutest, loudest, sweetest, dirtiest, most wonderful kids EVER????


  1. Did you let your husband cut your hair? Is that who Marc is? Too funny!

    And I will never have a body like Jillian.
    And i am tired of potty training my boy.
    Why? :)

  2. Yes why won't my kids sleep...why when I get up early for a few minutes of quiet they wake up warly matter how quiet I am? Today I'm wondering if the rain and cold will ever pass...and why my heat won't go aboce 60 today?

  3. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog!It's nice to meet you!Your kiddos are SO adorable!And can I ever relate to your whys?!
    And,I'm pretty sure Jillian has not had any children.So,I'd like to see her look like she does after having at least four kids!And my three year old refuses to go on the potty.I cut my own hair,and chopped it a while ago,and learned my lesson,and now am growing it out.:)And last night I went to bed at 2am after being awake with our youngest,then woke up at 6:45am.So.I understand.:)Totally.
