Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Potty training from the world's worst mommy

OK, I totally suck.  It is January 27th, and I have already been disqualified for the "Mother of the Year" award!!!  And I was trying so hard to make it to atleast March...
Here's the story:  As we all know, our sweet, adorable Aiden REFUSES to go potty in the "big boy potty".  He will be 3 in less than 60 days.  I am convinced he will be 15 before he shows any interest.  One time he was nudie and went #1 and #2 in our entry way and scared himself so bad that he now won't go.  Yes, he was scared of his own poo!!!  Everyday, I sit him on the potty and try and coach him along, but he just talks the whole time (and we thought he would never talk, too!!!).  Does daddy have one of these?  Do you?  Do I poop out of my hiney?  Do I pee out of my hiney?  Oh, I see my reflection in the washing machine (smile, smile...)!!!  Well, tonight, I took him right before dinner and dinner time in our house is CRAZY!!!  So, everyone is sitting at the table waiting to start eating as I am sitting on the floor of the bathroom promising Aiden that I will buy him 14 gallons of ice cream with all the candy in the world if he would just PLEASE GO POTTY!!!???  Nothing.  And the questions begin.  again.  (Note:  He loves asking what is and is not a bad word. )  Is potty a bad word?  Is poop a bad word?  Is hiney a bad word?  And on and on.  So, after I insist he will just have to put a diaper on for dinner, he get angry with me and tells me, "Me put poop on you."  OK, I dispise nasty talk from a kid, so I told him the next time he talked nasty, I would was his mouth out and no dessert!!  And what does he do, he says it again.  Of course.  So, the horrible mommy that I am, I tell him he is not getting dessert and I walk out of the bathroom.  With him on the toilet.  So, he starts screaming (remember, he is quite scared of going potty).  And, I just hang outside of the bathroom, because I am going to teach this potty mouth a lesson.  And you will never guess what, he was so upset, he peed!!!!  Yep, that is right, I scared my little boy so bad that he went pee.  in the potty!!!!  He went from screaming scared to excited because that meant he got a lifetime subscription to vanilla ice cream.  Now I have to figure out where to store the ice cream and what I can do to top it after the next time I traumitize him so bad that he pees everywhere!!!


  1. Oh how funny. Aren't boys fun? Mine won't sit on the potty b/c he says "Brrrr cold". I hate potty training:(

  2. How about cheerios in the toilet? It worked with Timmy who was also almost three..Shoot through the hole, or sink the cereal..great fun and incentive!!

  3. My boy was tough for the first week or two, but he is almost a pro now! Good luck and hang in there!

  4. So now the question is this: is he now even more scared of the toilet, or is he so proud of himself that he'll brave the toilet again? The exciting life of Aiden Riley...never a dull moment!

  5. I can so relate to this.Our son turned three in October.Because of his delay's we have been told that he could be five or six before he understands the concept of using the potty.So,I have just mentally prepared to have diapers around for a long while.
