Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Today was an all time low for my adventures of mommyhood. I had been trying to help Marc all day with different business stuff, when I heard the last "MOMMMMYYYYYY!!!". I lost my mind and banished my children outside. Now, it was not raining when I sent them out there, but with in a few minutes, they were at the door begging to come back in cause they were cold and wet. I felt like the worst mommy EVER!!! I stripped them down and brought them in and let them head to my room to watch a movie.
Later in the day, as I was doing laundry, I set the baby down in his room, and heard a big crash, went running, and found this. Cole and Aiden having a tea party with Maddy's glass tea set.

Madeline immediatly packed it up and put it all back in her room before the two monsters destroyed everything. And for the 4,239 time this day, I heard someone screaming "MOMMMYYY!!", but this time, instead of locking them out of the house, I poured a glass of wine and gently placed a pillow over my ears!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brotherly Love

Although they fight as though they are training for the UFC, and they don't like sharing their toys with eachother, and they love to get eachother in trouble, and it wouldn't be a day in this house if one of them did not inflict pain on the other in some way, when a moment like this happens, it melts my heart!

Oh, and I started the Jillian Micheals "30 day shred" today. It says lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days. HAHAHA!!! I don't really see how that is possible without starving yourself, but we will see. I wish I could take video of my workout partners. I am still laughing at the image of Aiden trying to jumping jacks. Am I a horrible mommy to keep asking him to do them just so I can have a good laugh???

Monday, December 28, 2009

My baby girl

God made the world with
its towering trees, majestic
mountains and restless seas.

Then stopped and said, “It needs
one more thing...
someone to laugh, dance and sing.

To walk in the woods and gather
flowers, to commune with nature
in quiet hours."

So God created little girls,
with laughing eyes and
bouncing curls,

With joyful hearts and
infectious smiles,
enchanting ways and
feminine wiles,

And when He'd completed
the task he'd begun,

He was pleased and proud
of the job He'd done.

For the world, when seen
through little girl's eyes,
Greatly resembles paradise.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bad Blogger

So, it has only been three months since I last updated, I guess it could be worse!!??
Last year, I was reading a blog that had such a wonderful idea. She would take a pic a day, and at the end of the year, have a "year book". So, I thought I would do something similar. Except, I would also try to blog every day. I know, it is a little unrealistic, but I am going to give it a try. Even if I only post a pic, I would love to look back and see our lives captured on a daily basis. So, here is day one!!

Guess who is sitting up?? My baby is getting so big and I am not liking it too much!! He is the sweetest, happiest baby ever!! My only complaint would be that this sweet baby does not like to sleep. And when he does fall asleep, I can not put him down or he will wake up. Hopefully it is just a phase!! This mommy is tired!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My live-in babysitter

When Connor was born, I was a freak about people handling him. Kasie and Bradley would try to hold him, and I would FREAK!!!! Now, as I cook dinner, Madeline, my sweet 4 year old, is my babysitter. And I actually allow her to hold him. Not sitting down, being monitored by me, but walking around, bouncing her little brother. WOW, how times change!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ramblings of a Crazy Mama

My jogging partner

Sweet brotherly love!!!!

Don't you love that dimple???!!!

How many times can one write a post while being SOOO RUDELY interupted by her five young children? Too many too count!!!

So, my kids are having a hard time understanding that mommy does in fact need a few moments to herself each day. I mean, seriously, they sleep with me, shower with me, even follow me to the bathroom when I attempt to sneak away. Oh well, I am sure I will have more than enough quiet time when they are older. I will be begging for them to spend time with me!!

Our lives have been crazy lately (hmmm... imagine that!!). We are still waiting on the county to pull their head out of their you-know-whats so we can finish the house. We have to be out of our "current home" at the end of the month and we still have no clue where we will be going. I am sure we will have a plan on the 29th and have to be out by the 30th. We are a very well-organized, schedule-planning family!! :)
Our little Cole is sure making big changes. He woke up one day last week a new baby. He is always smiling and is even laughing. He is sleeping better and is not eating every 45 minutes- he has bumped it up to every hour and a half!! He goes to the doc on Friday,and I am anxious to see how much he weighs. He is definelty our fattest baby. I don't remember the other kids having rolls at 2 months. I LOVE fat babies- especially mine!!!
Oh no, here they come swarming me demanding food and ooohhh, Aiden is stinky!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life after baby

The things your mama (or any wiseman) does not tell you after having a baby:

1. You will smell. That's right, some strange odor will come from every pore in your body. No shower or perfume will make it go away.

2. On top of smelling, you will not be able to shower everyday. And if you have little ones, when you finally get a chance to shower, you will be not be alone. No, your husband does not want to shower with you because he is in fear that any contact with you, even sharing water, may knock you up again. It will be your sweet children, and they will be commenting on your beautiful body. And children don't always know the appropriate comments for their mommy!!!

3. Your body will never be the same. Somehow, your boobs will be within a few inches from your bellybutton. Your hiney and legs become one big blah! And the little tummy you always hated, will become a fond, distant memory. You will not be a muffin top, more like a bunt cake top. Muffins are cute and scrupmtios- your body will be far from cute.

4. Do not go to a comedy club, out for a run, or do jumping jacks without proper protection. Enough said.

5. People will still be "mouth drunk" (as Erin and I call it) after the baby is born. The comments will become stupider and more bold. My favorite- "you look great for having five kids." So, if I didn't have five kids, would I look like shit? Or even just one, how would I look then? I wish I could come up with some smart alec comment, but I am too big of a wuss!!!

6. Aside from waking at all hours of the night to feed and change a fussy baby, you will also wake in fear that the baby is not breathing. You will live in fear day and night and your stress level will be off the charts. Even if your baby is perfectly healthy, don't expect to sleep at all!!!

7. Somehow, someway, your heart will grow bigger everyday. Just when you think you can't love your babies anymore than you do, you will wake each morning loving them all a little more.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I have written this post three times now, each time it somehow disappears from my computer. Four kids stepping on plugs and pushing buttons sure doesn't have anything to do with it!!!

It has been almost 6 weeks now since our sweet Cole entered our world. The labor was the quickest yet and the recovery was also. He has also been just about perfect!! He eats like a pig- about every hour- but he is perfect otherwise!!! Hopefully it will help getting rid of all of this baby weight.

We are starting school tomorrow and the kids are super excited. I will probably be ready to pull my hair out within the first week trying to manage all the chaos!!! Connor's only request is a quiet school day- I hope he knows that he is dreaming!!! Hopefully when the house is done he will have his wish- and hopefully that will be very soon!!!

Here is a recent pic of our sweet baby. I will post more soon!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes

I have had two recent conversations with my dear children lately that I had to write down. Their little minds never cease to amaze me!!

Madeline: (looking at my huge belly and questioning my scar from getting my belly button pierced back when I was a defiant 21 year old!!!) Why do you have a hole in your tummy?

Me: UM....... Well, when mommy wasn't very smart, she decided to get her belly button pierced.

Madeline: Giggling... Mommy, why did you pierce your tummy's ears? That was about the craziest thing I have ever heard of!!! (Still giggling...) DADDY, DID YOU KNOW MOMMY PIERCED HER TUMMIES EARS?

Marc: Haha, how are you going to explain this one to your sweet daughter? I told you it was a stupid idea!!!

OK, so maybe he WAS right, but only this ONE time!!!

And now for Bryce. His mind is amazing.

We went to the store the other day, and the checker lost her arm in a horrible car accident. She normally has a mitten on the end of her arm (it was lost at about her elbow), but this day, she did not have anything covering it.

Bryce: MOMMY, look at that ladies arm!!!

Me: SSSHHHH.... I will tell you about it in the car.

Bryce: (the second arriving in the car) Mommy, did you see that lady? She didn't have a hand or an arm!!!

Me: You are right, buddy. A few years ago, she was in a horrible car accident and she lost her arm in the accident.

Bryce: What did they do with her arm?

Me: UMMMM, I bet the arm went to a special heaven??!!

Bryce: But mom, an arm does not have a soul, so how could it go to heaven?

OK, I was speechless at this point, because this was a little more in depth than what my kids know about God. Don't get me wrong, we say prayers, read Children's bibles, teach right from wrong, know God's will, but having souls and what/who goes to heaven is not something I have taught my five year old. I guess I need to step up the religious ed- or maybe he can teach me a thing or two!!

Here are a few pics from Fourth of July up in LaPorte. Connor is totally sportin a fake camera smile!! And Bryce, as usual is trying to avoid the camera at all costs. One extreme and another!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Changes in attitudes

I always dreamed of having four kids. I knew that that was my fate. When Aiden was born, my mind was set that we were done. My life plan of four kids was complete. When I found out I was pregnant, I was almost scared that something would happen to one of my children, because I wasn't supposed to have five children. I have been worried this whole pregnancy that something would happen to this baby inside of me because I didn't feel I was "supposed to" have 5. But, in the last couple of weeks, I feel I am constantly looking around for someone who is missing. As we sit down for dinner, I am feeling we are incomplete. I am getting so excited about our new little one. I am so anxious to see what type of personality can mix with the chaos. Our family is only two short weeks from being "complete". I am giddy with excitement!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


It has been 6 hours and 15 minutes since my sweet Connor has been gone with his sister. She took him, with three girlfriends, to a water park in Roseville. They were supposed to call but I have yet to hear from them. I am about to go INSANE!!! I know he is probably fine, but he is away from me. near water. in a car. with teenagers. Ugg, I would love a glass a wine right now. But, serves me right to worry. I told a BIG FAT LIE today. I got pulled over for talking on my phone, and to avoid a big fat ticket, I told the nice police officer that I was having labor pains and on the phone with my doctor. Karma is a bitch!!! Hopefully they call soon before I go crazy!!


Friday, June 19, 2009

Pregnancy ain't pretty!!!

One would think that since I have spent the last five out of seven years pregnant, that it would be something that I enjoy! WRONG!!!!!
To me, the final result is beautiful, but getting there is so not beautiful. Horrible body changes, one step from being declared psychotic, body cramps, fattness, weird stares, belly buttons bigger than one's own boobs, no tummy sleeping, nasty smelling armpits, losing hair, gaining hair in stange places, oh I could go on for hours!!! My sis in law had asked me last weekend about doing "belly pics". Now, don't get me wrong, they are really neat for some people. But really, I don't care to remember being 40 lbs overweight with the world's largest outie. I will always remember laying eyes on each baby for the first time, and that will be the one and only lovely thing I will remember about each pregnancy. Oh, and don't get me started on the childbirth process- even nastier than pregnancy!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Balancing Act

(Before the shower- I know, no smiles, but one of the only pics we have together!!!)

Sunday was an interesting day for us!!! My sweet niece, Carrissa asked me a few months ago if she could have a shower for us. Although this is baby #5, she really wanted to do something since we didn't have anything because of the fire. So, we headed into town for the day. The kids were having a blast opening presents and eating cake. The hostess had a pool at her house, so all week the kids had been planning their big swimming day. As they all ventured out to the pool, Aiden of course started running around the sides, making me a nervous wreck. All of the sudden, I began to feel horrible pains in my tummy. The pains just got worse and then there was pressure. I was kind of off by myself, so I wasn't quite sure what to do- yell for help, cry, scream? Within a few minutes, although it felt like hours, Marc noticed my face and came over to see what was going on. He immediately freaked out, and got me inside and someone to take the kids. After about 20 minutes of the ongoing pain, we decided to go to the hospital. When we finally got hooked up to the machines, the contractions had stopped a little, but they were still 1-2 minutes apart. They immediately gave me some nasty drugs to stop them, which totally elevated my heart, so then we had to try and get that down. So, to sum it all up, this little guy wanted out early, but they want him to cook a little longer!!
So, now I am faced with what to do. I still have to live my crazy life but try to be cautious. I am nervous to go anywhere alone with the kids, but don't want to take away their summer from them. I had planned a fun day for us tomorrow going to the splash pad and the library, and I think we are still going to go. If I was any earlier in my pregnancy, I think I would lay up and not do too much, but since I am 35 weeks and know that the baby is healthy, I don't want to take everything away from the other 4. There is a good chance that I don't have anymore contractions, so I don't want to spend the next few weeks living in fear!!! Marc really doesn't want me to go, but the kids are so excited that I don't want to let them down. We will see how it goes....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kasie's graduation

Marc's daughter, Kasie graduated from high school tonight!!! She has done so well this year- she has a 3.9!! We aren't quite sure of her college plans, probably community college, but we will see. The graduation was not too fun for us. We only brought Aiden as she had limited tickets and we didn't think the kids would have too much fun, so they stayed home with their cousins. We got there an hour early and could not find a seat. Every place we went to sit all we heard was"seats taken!!" So, reason #457 I hate California- rude people!!! About an hour after standing, a sweet friend of Kasie's offered to let me sit with them, but aside from my body aching from standing that long in heels, I didn't also want to suffer the humiliation of trying to fit my huge hiney into a tiny spot that not even Aiden could have fit in!!! If we were in the south, I know many people would have offered to make room for an 8 month prego!! So, not long after seeing her walk, we got out of there. We figured she didn't want to endure the humiliation of her step-mom birthing a baby at her graduation. And since her mom's family were all there, we knew she wanted to spend time with them afterwards, so we didn't want to intrude.
I don't know quite what to do with this picture. My camera was acting up when we got to take pics with her, so we had to take pics with the phone, so they are horrible. I wish I could figure out how to fix them!!! All the other ones turned out good, even though they are really far away!! I better head off to bed and put my feet up before they fall off!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Bryce-man

Because when you work like this:

You just can't quite make it through dinner!

And yes, he does have his panties on backwords and inside out. It is in true Bryce fashion that atleast one article of clothing each day is on this way. And he refuses to change!! At least I don't let him go to town that way!!!

And I had no motivation to plan dinner tonight, so it was improvised taco salad and since I did not have tomatoes, he refused to eat a taco salad, so he was supposed to be eating chips with cheese when he crashed. Not too much nutrition tonight, but I get to slack off every once in awhile, right!!???

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Not quite what I had planned...

My dream as a teenager was to marry someone REALLY rich, teach elementary school in an inner city, and live in a high rise apartment. The owner of the Houston Rockets was my main sugardaddy choice!!! So, if you would have ever told the teenager me that THIS would be my life, I would have never believed it! It is sometimes hard for the 30 year old me to believe.
I would have never though t that I would be married with almost five kids.
I would have never thought that I would be living on a ranch, 30 minutes to civilization, with no friends in sight!
I would have never thought that I would be homeschooling my kids.
I would have never thought that I would be looking forward to going thrift store shopping.
I would have never thought that we would be building a new home "off the grid". I definitely would not have even known what that phrase even meant. (I actually didn't know what it meant until recently- I'm not too smart!!)
I would have never thought that I would spend my days tending to a garden, hiking with the kids, feeding pigs and horses, fishing, cooking alot, cleaning even more, and Bryce's favorite sport- frog hunting. (Although I still get the shakes and am on the verge of tears at the sight of a frog or if a fish even gets near me, it sure makes the kids happy, so I try to contain myself)

Yep, this life is not even remotely close to anything that I would have expected, but it is sooooo much better!!!!!!

Oh, and because I thought it was soo great and I am always writing down recipes and not remembering where they are, here is a recipe for Zucchini bread, which we made as muffins because we only have one loaf pan right now:

4 egg whites
3/4 c applesauce
1 2/3 c brown sugar
2 c grated zuch
2 teaspoon vanilla
3 c flour
3 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 c walnuts

Beat eggs. Add oil, brown sugar, zuch, and vanilla. Blend in flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add walnuts. Bake at 325 in 2 greased loaf pans for 1 hour.
We made these as muffins, and because while they were cooking, I was bathing 4 smelly, dirty bodies, I just kept checking on them and took them out what they were a little brown. Not too helpful, I know, but it is easy to tell when they are done- maybe about 15 minutes????
They turned out YUMMY!!! Now I just need to try to refrain from eating all of them in one sitting!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Amateur Photography

I have seen so many pic ideas lately while blog stalking that I really wanted to try out. I have the camera, just need the the skills!! Here is some of what I got:

Our future GQ model!!

This pic definitely shows our life- dirty toenails, bumps, bruises, and I think there is a little grease stain in there!!!

I told him to look serious, but instead he came up with this "mean" face!!!

The princess is 4

Sunday was Madeline's fourth birthday, and what a day it was!!! Since they can't talk about their bdays until the one before them is over, she has been counting down since April 3, and has talked about her bday about 47 times a day!! She woke up Sunday morning sooo excited that she was now four!! She told me that she really felt different and thinks she grew "14 inches". Here are a few pics from the day:

Don't you just love those hands on her hips?

Madeline with her cousin Carrissa- one of her most favorite people!!!

I will post more when my brain starts functioning. Marc woke up at 4 am to go to town for an upcoming project, and of course could not find his credit card, so had to wake me up so I could point out to him that it was sitting on the counter by the door. I think all men, including my dear boys, lack a gene in their body that can "look" for things!! Good thing they have an oh-so-forgetful mama to rely on!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009


All the memories I have as a child are all about perfect. The only "bad" thing I remember is having a horrible babysitter named Mary that would not let us off the driveway and made us spend the day cleaning the house- at 4 years old. But I also remember her taking me to the Warf to feed the ducks, so maybe she wasn't so bad after all!!
Last night, our little piggy got out, so Marc went out to find her, so the kids and I decided to roast marshmallows before the bbq was completely out. As I was preparing the treats for the kids, Connor walked out and said, "Um, mom, I don't think you want to come in here." I asked what was wrong, and his answer was, "You have to promise you won't yell." I again asked him what was going on. He then said, "You have to promise you won't cry either." Wow, I didn't realize I am such an emotional rollercoaster!!!! Aiden had dumped out a 2.5 lb. package of spaghetti noodles thinking they were more roasting sticks!! I went in, cleaned them up, without crying or yelling, and went back out to tend to 4 very anxious children.
I later sat there wondering if their memories will be of making smores, swimming, hiking, and playing, or of mommy crying over dirty laundry and spilled milk. Hopefully they are not scarred for life!!!

mom- no, you don't need to fly out here and rescue my poor children from their emotionally unstable mommy. it was just a long day yesterday- trailer life is wearing on me, stupid county officials, stupid doctors offices, 100 degree weather, no washing machine, ya know, the normal stuff in our life. I have vowed to myself to keep my emotions in check today!! We'll see how it goes!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Day in the Life

*Note* I am writing this only for the purpose of looking back in a few months and reflecting on the past months after the fire and before our new, normal life begins

woke up at 5:30 after being kicked in the ribs all night by a sweet little boy who is having a hard time staying in his bed all night. cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast. cleaned up from breakfast. homeschooled. went to post office, bank, store. lost bank card. again. drove back and forth from here to the store looking for the bank card that I left on the back of Marc's truck. no luck. confessed to Marc that I have now lost the bank card for the third time this month. he laughed- thankfully. cooked chicken and made chicken salad for the workermen. delivered lunch to the workermen. sanded cabinets to get ready for staining. took kids on a hike. cooked bbq chicken, mom's macaroni and cheese, corn on cob, and watermelon for dinner. cleaned up from dinner. fed lonely piggy. fed and tended to horses. took out garbage for pick-up in the morn. rounded up the herd of children now covered in dirt after a long day. bathed kids. bath water was brown. read four books, kissed four now clean faces, tucked four kids into beds only 1/2 hour late. sat down for the first time today.
I can't wait to look back in a few months when life is normal and laugh at what we did to get there. I was thinking today that it really stinks that we will be spending our Memorial day weekend working on the house the entire weekend, but soon, we will be enjoying the fruits of our labor, so it will all be so worth it in the end!! Now, I think I need to go fold laundry to top off my day of fun!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just one of the boys

Our princess Madeline is living in a all boy world. I never imagined that my little girl would be scaling rocks, riding motorcycles, fishing, and wanting sooo bad to learn to shoot a gun. This weekend was a weekend of boys. The "big boys" were working on the house, and two of the neighbors brought their sons over, so it was Madeline and 5 boys. She is tougher than a few of them!!! And as I walked outside on Saturday while she was in the care of her daddy and his friend, look what I found:

Yep, that's right, she got her wish, they let her shoot the boys' bb gun. I freaked out a little, but knew that since she was with her daddy, she was being taught safety and handling of a gun. She is now going to use her money that she has been saving for a new purse for a pink bb gun. Hopefully it will take her 10 years to save up $30.00!!!! A few more pics of our HOT working weekend

And speaking of the heat, my body decided this weekend that being 7 months prego with baby #5 with a 30 lb 2 year old on my back hiking through the ranch a few times a day is NOT smart at all!! By 5:00, my body really wanted to shut down, but because of our life, it wasn't allowed to take a much needed break until 9:00. This is going to be a LONG 8 weeks!! Let's just hope that I make it to the end- or at least until a point the baby is completely healthy!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I once again am sitting down to write something wonderful about this day, but again, my eyes hurt, head hurts, and have already mispelled 4 words in this sentence I have written. So, I will just use the remaining brain cells to send over some pics from this weekend.

I know, this is her "hoochie mama" shirt!! I would never tell her that, but I also won't let her wear it ANYWHERE in a public place.

These flowers were picked by Maddy and her sweet brother Bryce. But unfortunately, Aiden decided to bury them when we weren't looking!!

Bluebonnets in California???

And four reasons that I am the luckiest mom in the world.
PS: Mom, I hope you had a relaxing day. I only wish at least one of us could have been there to celebrate you today. Thank you for always being so committed to being a mom to us. I know that there were probably times that you wanted to wisk away to a glorious retreat from the chaos of our life, but you never let us see anything but perfection. I only wish that when my kids are grown, they can remember all the wonderful things in our life, and not mommy running around in tears because alas the shoe monster came to the house and stole one of each pairs of shoes!!! Thank you for helping Erin and I make the decision in our life to strive to be a wonderful mother and wife, just as you have always been. Love you and miss you!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

What a day!!

I have so much I want to write about, but as it is 10 something at night, my brain is no longer functioning!! I just need to document our stats from our recent well check trips: Connor- 4 ft, 52 lbs, Bryce- 40", 40 lbs, Madeline- can't remember height because of trying to soothe a terrified Aiden, 35 lbs, Aiden- same on the height, and 29 lbs. The two big boys are in the 25% and the two little ones are in the 75%. Since the new doc, who I do really like, does not see 4 kids in one day, we had two yesterday and two today. And guess what we woke up to this morning, sick children!! Yes, my "never sick" kids all have colds and now fevers. And I have been feeling worse by the second. I am in bed right now with Aiden, who has been asleep since 5, who is burning up. I have given him three baths tonight and got some tylenol down him, but I have a feeling it is going to be a long night. I hate having sick babies. They are so helpless and there seems to be nothing I can do to make it better. And this is just a small cold. I would not function well at all if there were more illnesses in the family. I should thank God that our biggest problem is the cold!! Off to bed to rest up for a long night. I will post lots of pics tomorrow for you to see Mom!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


It has been raining since Friday, which means we have been locked inside our TINY space and I am going a little insane. On top of that, I have given birth to three little boys who love to wrestle and fight. I do not get it at all!!! They fight when they eat, brush their teeth, watch tv, and even when they are in their room for fighting. And when they are bored, it only gets worse!!

Aiden even gets into it. They all- including my dear husband- thinks it is sooo funny to watch my baby throw punches. And he gets the attention of all the boys, so he doesn't stop.

So, needless to say, the boys have spent a good part of the weekend in their room. I think I yelled "STOP FIGHTING" about 230 times in the past three days. And although they drive me crazy with their fighting, they are sure sweet. Here is what I have been overwhelmed with the last few hours

How can I be mad at them when I get an apology letter like this? Now if only they can teach their daddy to write sweet letters when he acts up! HAHA!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Here we go

Our life has been extremely crazy lately. Since the fire, our lives have been turned upside down. But how fortunate are we that we are all still here; and together. So, I am trying this blogging thing out... again. This time I will remember the password so that I can continue to post!! Here are some pics of what we have been up to:

The three "big kids" out on the boat a few weeks ago. We have definitely found a recreational activity that everyone loves!! Madeline will even touch the fish and the worms!! YUCK!!

I can't believe my princess is doing this!!!

And we can't have a post without little man!!! If I didn't dye my hair, I think it would be covered in greys from this little hellion. Marc and I have been saying that he is as much work as the other three combined!! He is so independent and rules this household. He is going to have a rude awakening in 11 more weeks. I can't imagine how he is going to react to the new baby!!!
I am so excited about getting back into this blogging thing. There have been so many happenings lately that I wish I would have been writing about, but I guess now is as good a time as ever. So, here we go.... Our CRAZY life!!!