Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Today was an all time low for my adventures of mommyhood. I had been trying to help Marc all day with different business stuff, when I heard the last "MOMMMMYYYYYY!!!". I lost my mind and banished my children outside. Now, it was not raining when I sent them out there, but with in a few minutes, they were at the door begging to come back in cause they were cold and wet. I felt like the worst mommy EVER!!! I stripped them down and brought them in and let them head to my room to watch a movie.
Later in the day, as I was doing laundry, I set the baby down in his room, and heard a big crash, went running, and found this. Cole and Aiden having a tea party with Maddy's glass tea set.

Madeline immediatly packed it up and put it all back in her room before the two monsters destroyed everything. And for the 4,239 time this day, I heard someone screaming "MOMMMYYY!!", but this time, instead of locking them out of the house, I poured a glass of wine and gently placed a pillow over my ears!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brotherly Love

Although they fight as though they are training for the UFC, and they don't like sharing their toys with eachother, and they love to get eachother in trouble, and it wouldn't be a day in this house if one of them did not inflict pain on the other in some way, when a moment like this happens, it melts my heart!

Oh, and I started the Jillian Micheals "30 day shred" today. It says lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days. HAHAHA!!! I don't really see how that is possible without starving yourself, but we will see. I wish I could take video of my workout partners. I am still laughing at the image of Aiden trying to jumping jacks. Am I a horrible mommy to keep asking him to do them just so I can have a good laugh???

Monday, December 28, 2009

My baby girl

God made the world with
its towering trees, majestic
mountains and restless seas.

Then stopped and said, “It needs
one more thing...
someone to laugh, dance and sing.

To walk in the woods and gather
flowers, to commune with nature
in quiet hours."

So God created little girls,
with laughing eyes and
bouncing curls,

With joyful hearts and
infectious smiles,
enchanting ways and
feminine wiles,

And when He'd completed
the task he'd begun,

He was pleased and proud
of the job He'd done.

For the world, when seen
through little girl's eyes,
Greatly resembles paradise.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bad Blogger

So, it has only been three months since I last updated, I guess it could be worse!!??
Last year, I was reading a blog that had such a wonderful idea. She would take a pic a day, and at the end of the year, have a "year book". So, I thought I would do something similar. Except, I would also try to blog every day. I know, it is a little unrealistic, but I am going to give it a try. Even if I only post a pic, I would love to look back and see our lives captured on a daily basis. So, here is day one!!

Guess who is sitting up?? My baby is getting so big and I am not liking it too much!! He is the sweetest, happiest baby ever!! My only complaint would be that this sweet baby does not like to sleep. And when he does fall asleep, I can not put him down or he will wake up. Hopefully it is just a phase!! This mommy is tired!!!