Friday, July 10, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes

I have had two recent conversations with my dear children lately that I had to write down. Their little minds never cease to amaze me!!

Madeline: (looking at my huge belly and questioning my scar from getting my belly button pierced back when I was a defiant 21 year old!!!) Why do you have a hole in your tummy?

Me: UM....... Well, when mommy wasn't very smart, she decided to get her belly button pierced.

Madeline: Giggling... Mommy, why did you pierce your tummy's ears? That was about the craziest thing I have ever heard of!!! (Still giggling...) DADDY, DID YOU KNOW MOMMY PIERCED HER TUMMIES EARS?

Marc: Haha, how are you going to explain this one to your sweet daughter? I told you it was a stupid idea!!!

OK, so maybe he WAS right, but only this ONE time!!!

And now for Bryce. His mind is amazing.

We went to the store the other day, and the checker lost her arm in a horrible car accident. She normally has a mitten on the end of her arm (it was lost at about her elbow), but this day, she did not have anything covering it.

Bryce: MOMMY, look at that ladies arm!!!

Me: SSSHHHH.... I will tell you about it in the car.

Bryce: (the second arriving in the car) Mommy, did you see that lady? She didn't have a hand or an arm!!!

Me: You are right, buddy. A few years ago, she was in a horrible car accident and she lost her arm in the accident.

Bryce: What did they do with her arm?

Me: UMMMM, I bet the arm went to a special heaven??!!

Bryce: But mom, an arm does not have a soul, so how could it go to heaven?

OK, I was speechless at this point, because this was a little more in depth than what my kids know about God. Don't get me wrong, we say prayers, read Children's bibles, teach right from wrong, know God's will, but having souls and what/who goes to heaven is not something I have taught my five year old. I guess I need to step up the religious ed- or maybe he can teach me a thing or two!!

Here are a few pics from Fourth of July up in LaPorte. Connor is totally sportin a fake camera smile!! And Bryce, as usual is trying to avoid the camera at all costs. One extreme and another!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Changes in attitudes

I always dreamed of having four kids. I knew that that was my fate. When Aiden was born, my mind was set that we were done. My life plan of four kids was complete. When I found out I was pregnant, I was almost scared that something would happen to one of my children, because I wasn't supposed to have five children. I have been worried this whole pregnancy that something would happen to this baby inside of me because I didn't feel I was "supposed to" have 5. But, in the last couple of weeks, I feel I am constantly looking around for someone who is missing. As we sit down for dinner, I am feeling we are incomplete. I am getting so excited about our new little one. I am so anxious to see what type of personality can mix with the chaos. Our family is only two short weeks from being "complete". I am giddy with excitement!!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


It has been 6 hours and 15 minutes since my sweet Connor has been gone with his sister. She took him, with three girlfriends, to a water park in Roseville. They were supposed to call but I have yet to hear from them. I am about to go INSANE!!! I know he is probably fine, but he is away from me. near water. in a car. with teenagers. Ugg, I would love a glass a wine right now. But, serves me right to worry. I told a BIG FAT LIE today. I got pulled over for talking on my phone, and to avoid a big fat ticket, I told the nice police officer that I was having labor pains and on the phone with my doctor. Karma is a bitch!!! Hopefully they call soon before I go crazy!!
